Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement

Posted by on feb 1, 2023 in Okategoriserade | No Comments

Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

If you`re a non-profit organization or project looking for financial support, you may have heard of fiscal sponsorship agreements. These agreements allow projects or organizations to operate under the umbrella of an established non-profit organization, which can help secure funding and bring credibility to the project. One popular fiscal sponsor is Tides, a nonprofit organization that offers fiscal sponsorship services to a wide range of projects. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement and what it entails.

What is Fiscal Sponsorship?

Before we dive into Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement, it`s important to understand what fiscal sponsorship is. Essentially, fiscal sponsorship is a legal arrangement between a non-profit organization and a project or organization that doesn`t have 501(c)(3) status. By partnering with a non-profit organization, the project can receive tax-deductible donations and grants, as well as access to other resources like administrative support, accounting, and legal services.

What is Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement?

Tides is a well-established non-profit organization that has been offering fiscal sponsorship services for over 40 years. Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement allows projects to operate under Tides` 501(c)(3) status, which means that donations to the project are tax-deductible for donors. Tides offers several levels of fiscal sponsorship, including Incubation, Acceleration, and Full Service.

Incubation: This level of sponsorship is for early-stage projects that are just getting started. Tides provides basic administrative support and helps the project get up and running.

Acceleration: This level is for projects that are more established and need more support. Tides offers grant management, accounting support, and other administrative services.

Full Service: As the name suggests, this level of sponsorship offers full support for the project. Tides takes care of all administrative tasks, including HR and legal services.

Benefits of Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement

One of the main benefits of Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement is access to funding. By operating under Tides` 501(c)(3) status, projects can apply for grants and receive tax-deductible donations. Tides also provides administrative support, which can be a huge help for smaller organizations or projects without the resources to manage those tasks in-house.

Another benefit of partnering with Tides is the credibility that comes with being associated with a well-respected non-profit organization. This can be especially important for newer projects that are seeking to build trust with donors and stakeholders.

How to Apply for Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement

To apply for Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement, projects must first submit an inquiry form on Tides` website. From there, Tides will review the project and determine if it`s a good fit for their fiscal sponsorship program. The application process can take several weeks, and projects may be asked to provide additional information or documentation before being accepted.


Fiscal sponsorship agreements can be a powerful tool for non-profit organizations and projects seeking funding and support. Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement offers a range of benefits, including access to funding and administrative support. If you`re interested in applying for Tides Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement, be prepared to provide detailed information about your project and be patient during the application process. With the right fit, a fiscal sponsorship agreement can be a game-changer for your organization or project.